Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Can I install carpet over exposed asbestos adhesive?

My cousin recently asked me to renovate an apartment for her. Unfortunately, her husband began removing the linoleum with a floor scraper before he was informed that the underlying adhesive had asbestos in it. All the tile is gone now and most of the adhesive has already been stripped away, but there's still quite a bit that's exposed and half scraped away. What should I do? Do I need to pay the loads for a professional to come in and finish the job or can I just lay carpet over all this asbestos?Can I install carpet over exposed asbestos adhesive?
You Don't!Can I install carpet over exposed asbestos adhesive?
You need to wet mop/wash/vac (hepa) so there is no more loose material.

Then you need to encapsulate what's there so it cannot be disturbed further and yield more loose asbestos particles in the air. - though under carpet and padding the odds are if you clean well you will be o.k. as walking around on adhesive that is still sound would not cause it to enter the air.

to be sure get some self leveling underlayment (a cement based material sold in floor tile aisles at h. depot, etc.) and skim out an 1/8th inch covering over the whole floor. or you could glue down a moisture resistant underlaymentsuch as cork or luan plywood. then go with a high quality pad and carpet.
the apartment doesn't belong to you. You first have to get permission from your cousin. Everything you've said in your question is heresay, unless a qualified inspector comes into the apartment and does a qualified inspection, I'd go for it. How many times do you analyze a product.
Apparently you people are unaware that your cars break pads are made of Asbestos. It's not anthrax you can breath tons of it and never have a problem But in some people it turns into cancer, it deserves respect not worship. I think I'd seal it with epoxy paint first.
Seal the floor with an approved pvc sealant. (uni-bond or similar) then you should be able to lay the carpet in safety.
Do you like being sued?, or possibly jailed, since you knew about it?
Im not aware of any 'adhesives' that commonly contained asbestos. I'd have been more suspect of it being in the tile, than the glue.

Your best option at this point is to either back out of the deal, or have the adhesive tested for asbestos. Or tell the husband to finish what he started, before you get involved, hehehe. You do not want to make yourself legally responsible in this situation. (I hope the husband wasn't working for you, when he removed the tile)

Most states REQUIRE that items that contain asbestos must be removed, and disposed of, by LICENSED professionals, with all appropriate safety gear and methods.

However, asbestos CAN be encapsulated, and left in place (paint over it, etc).

So..... to protect yourself legally, I'd recommend having it tested first, to confirm asbestos is present, or refuse to get involved. The remaining adhesive could be painted with a good primer, before carpet is installed... but I'd leave that to the homeowner, and not make it my responsibility. Health problems from asbesto exposure can take decades to turn up...usually as a fatal lung cancer.

Be Safe

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